April 9-13

 TEACHER NAME: McDaniels                      ROOM:110                     WEEK BEGINNING:  April 12-16, 2011


Bell Work Readiness





Literacy Blocks

9:30-10:30 am



7:45 p/up students from café, attendance, lunch ct, Pledges

Bell: (o) sw write first and last name and sentences,


Circle-Calendar, sayings, colors, shapes, counting, songs

Sight phonics number words seasons review

Literacy Block Act (O) sw rotate through short groups.

  1. McD-letter sounds
  2. Independent
  3. Listening


Intro CK saying Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow


Recess 9:25 Snacks



D’Neal  (O) sw recog, trace, write lowercase letters. E-check letter form. LK II-C

Lsn 117 (O) TH | alphabet act, phonemic aware, new

larning, ws 117. E-ck work


Lunch 11:05-11:50 (duty)


April Showers (O) more/less, color set

w/more or less. E-ck work.








7:45 p/up students from café, attendance, lunch ct, Pledges

BellSw trace #’s 1-100 and Parts of  plant


Circle : Calendar, sayings, colors, shapes,  number chart counting, , seasons, songs, Morning Message   M K.4 A,B

LA K.1 J, K.4 C, D, F




Literacy Groups

  1. McDaniels
  2. Independant
  3. Independant
  4. Listening Ctr


Recess 9:25 AM Snacks


OO hook (O) oo, sw read words, cut match words, glue. E-ck work






D’Neal  (O) sw recog, trace, write lowercase letters. E-check etter form. LK II-C


Lsn 118 (O) TH   alphabet act, phonemic a8are,  sound sheet ws 113. E-ck work


Lunch 11:05-11:50

Egg Measuring (O) sw measure eggs using standard and non standard measuring. E-ck work.

Bunch of Berries (O) add sets to 6 and number words. E-ck work

Computers 12:40-1:10








7:45 p/up students from café, attendance, lunch ct, Pledges

Bell: sw  write first and last name   sentences

Circle, Calendar, sayings, colors, shapes,  number chart counting, , seasons, songs. Morning message M K.4 A,B

LA K.1 J, K.4 C, D, F




Literacy Groups

  1. McD PSF
  2. Independant
  3. Independent
  4. Computers


Recess 9:25 AM Snacks


Jelly Bean Measuring (O) sw  work in pairs and use jelly beans to measure items. E-ckwork



D’Neal  (O)  sw recog, trace, write lowercase letter. E-ck ltr formation. LKII-C, I-D5

Lsn 119 (o) TH   alpha act, phonemic aware, review, ws 119. E-ck work. LKII-C, I-D


Lunch 11:05-11:50


Happy Hatching Graph (O) sw color eggs, count complete graph. E-ck work.

Flower Box (O) subtraction, sw use flowers to work problem E-ck work.









7:45 P/up students from cafeteria, attendance, lunch count, pledges.

Bell: sw write #’s 1-100’s  and

Reading act.

Circle: Calendar, sayings, colors, shapes,  number chart counting, , seasons, songs. Morning Message   

M K.4 A,BLAK.1 J, K.4 C,D, F



Literacy Groups

  1. Mc-
  2.  F-phonemic awareness
  3. Computers
  4. Independent Activity


OO tooth (O) oo, sw color egg halves read words, match and glue. E-ck work.


Recess 9:25 AM snacks



D’Neal (o) sw recog, trace and write uppercase alphabet  color beg sound act. E-ck ltr form.


Lsn 120 (o) TH , aa, pa, spelling sound sheet, review ws 120. E-ck work.



Lunch 11:05-11:50 (duty)

Raining Cats and Dogs (O) sw flip raindrop and record heads or tails. E-ck work.



Computers 12:40-1:10




7:45 P/up students from cafeteria, attendance, lunch count, pledges.

Bell:  sw write first  and last name  and reading skills act

Circle: Calendar, sayings, colors, shapes,  number chart counting, , seasons, songs. Morning Message   

M K.4 A,BLAK.1 J, K.4 C,D, F



Holiday No School

Recess 9:15 AM snacks


Holiday No School



Finish projects


Holiday no School


Lunch 11:05-11:50


Holiday no School










WEEKLY LESSON PLANS:  McDaniels                    Room:  110                                Week:  April 12-16, 2011

Rest time 11:45-12:15

Math Investigtions 1:00



Social Studies/Science


Reinforcement/Core Act



Unit 7 Lsn 1.1 How many are we?  (O) counting and sets, representation of  data, act, discuss, follow up. E-observe.

Class Routine:  Have you ever eaten a watermelon?



MKIA1a-f, IB1&2, VAC,IIB1, C1

PE 12:40-1:10 pm

Unit 6 TE PG 93-103  (O) story recall,  rhyming, read Flower Garden answer story recall, oral lang, vocab, comprehension, , Cht 33, tape , A Quilt, Quack Quack words families , number words. E-observe. E-listen.



Read Jack and the Beanstalk



 Plnts and Seeds (O) plant needs, seed, uses. Read From Seed to Plant, dsicuss how seeds grow, needs, and parts of the plant. 


Plant Seeds in a cup and planting Sequence (O) sw color glue cards in order. E-ck work.


A1 April Showers Handprint (O) sw make flower using handprint. E-display

A2 Easter Bunny (O) sw sponge paint oval, color bunny legs and arms. E-keep.

A3 Jack and the Beanstalk Story sequencing. E-ck work






Clean up tables, trash, put away boxes, staple papers, backpacks, line up for dismissal.

2:35 Line up, dismiss bus students, walk to front.







Lsn.1.2 How many noses? (O) 1 on 1 corresp, analyzing data, discuss act, ws, follow.

Lsn MKIA1a-f, IB1&2, VAC,IIB1, C1

Class Routine:  Have you ever gone swimming in ocean?










Read  The Tail of Peter Rabbit sw listen to story,  story recall, good choices, bad choices. E-observe


6 Scene Story Sequencing (o) sw color, cut and glue story cards in order. E-use to retell story

Flower that Grows (O) plants, reading skills, sw  write name on lines, color book, illustrate. E-display

A1  Paint Egg for Easter Bunny.

A2  Peter Rabbit Rhyming book


Clean up tables, trash, put away boxes, staple papers, backpacks, line up for dismissal.


2:35 Line up, dismiss bus students, walk to front.







Lsn  1.3 How Many Eyes? (O) 1 on 1 corres, counting by 2’s, analyzing data. E-observe.

Class Routine:  How many days have passed?

A1 Phonics Read #9(O) sw sound out words  and read sentences/book as a class


Seeds (O) sw read passage and answer comprhension questions. E-ckwork


Plant Parts (O) Plant parts, sw cut parts, glue and label parts, E-display.

A1  Old Woman Shoe (O) beginning blends, sw color cut lace shoe.E-ck work.

A2 Assemble Easter bunny

A3  Peter Rabbit Positional terms

A3 Easter Chick


Same Dismissal Procedure


Clean up tables, trash, put away boxes, staple papers, backpacks, line up for dismissal.


Early Release 1:40 pm







Restroom/Drinks/Rest time

Lsn  1.4 Counting Chairs (O) counts sets, using data, more/less.  E-observe.


Class Routine:  Patterns on the pocket chart

Word Family Houses (O) sw read and write word families. E-ck work.


Cat story (O) sw read passage and answer story comprehension questions. E-ck work.

Great Oaks From Little Acorns grow (O) sw will draw a picture and illustrate meaning of saying. E-ck work.

A1 Plant seeds in cup (O) place in window. E-watch grow.

A3 Jack and the Beanstalk Story sequencing. E-ck work

A2 Jack Bean stalk Climber. (o) sw color cut and assmble. E-display.



Clean up tables, trash, put away boxes, staple papers, backpacks, line up for dismissal.


2:35 Line up, dismiss bus students, walk to front.







Restroom/Drinks/Rest time

 Lsn 1.15Eyes at Home (O) counting sets, keep track 2 to 1 corresp, counting by 2’s, act, ws, discuss, follow up.  E-observe

Classrom Routine:  Do you like watermelon or grapes?

PE 12:40

Library 1:10

Music   1:40

Flower that Grows (O) plants, reading skills, sw  write name on lines, color book, illustrate. E-display.


Finish projects



Clean up tables, trash, put away boxes, staple papers, backpacks, line up for dismissal.


2:35 Line up, dismiss bus students, walk to front.


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