April 23-27

 TEACHER NAME: McDaniels                      ROOM:110                     WEEK BEGINNING:  April 23-27, 2012

Bell Work Readiness





Literacy Blocks

9:30-10:30 am


7:45 p/up students from café, attendance, lunch ct, Pledges

Bell: (o) sw write first and last name and sentences,

Circle-Calendar, sayings, colors, shapes, counting, songs

NR Ladybug, Ladybug fly away home.

D’Neal  (O) sw recog, trace, write lowercase letters. E-check letter form. LK II-C

Lsn 125 (O)  |a-e| alphabet act, phonemic aware, new

larning, ws 125. E-ck work

Literacy Block Act (O) sw rotate through sm groups.

  1. McD-letter sounds
  2. sight words
  3. Listening Ctr

        4.     Computers


Short and Long Aa Vowels Pocket Chart Activitiy

Lunch 10:50-11:35


Lady Bug Addition/Time (O) sw count sets, write # sentence, add sets, write sum.  Write time by the hour. E-ck work.

Reading time with 3rd grade



7:45 p/up students from café, attendance, lunch ct, Pledges

Bell:  Sw trace #’s 1-100 and math act

Circle : Calendar, sayings, colors, shapes,  number chart counting, , seasons, songs, Morning Message   M K.4 A,B

LA K.1 J, K.4 C, D, F


Computers 8:30

D’Neal  (O) sw recog, trace, write lowercase letters. E-check etter form. LK II-C

Lsn 126 (O) |o-e|   alphabet act, phonemic a8are,  sound sheet ws 122. E-ck work

Literacy Groups

  1. McD-sounds
  2. letter naming
  3. Independant
  4. Listening Ctr

Short O Long O Pocket chart activity

Word Family _ot

Lunch 10:50-11:35

Garbage Graph (O) sw count recyclables, graph, more/less E-ck work.

Subtraction (O) take sets from 8. E-ck work.

Reading time with 3rd grade


7:45 p/up students from café, attendance, lunch ct, Pledges

Bell: sw trace first and last name  and  sentences

Circle, Calendar, sayings, colors, shapes,  number chart counting, , seasons, songs. Morning message M K.4 A,B

LA K.1 J, K.4 C, D, F



D’Neal  (O)  sw recog, trace, write lowercase letter. E-ck ltr formation. LKII-C, I-D5

Lsn 127 (o) |i-e|   alpha act, phonemic aware, review, ws 127. E-ck work. LKII-C, I-D

Literacy Groups

  1. McD PSF
  2. sight words
  3. Independent
  4. Computers

Short and Long Ii Pocket Chart Review

Lunch 10:50-11:35

Garbage Graph (O) sw count recyclables, graph, more/less E-ck work.

Measuring (O) sw measure using non standard units. E-ck work.

Reading time with 3rd grade


7:45 P/up students from cafeteria, attendance, lunch count, pledges.

Bell: sw write #’s 1-100’s  and

Sound act.

Circle: Calendar, sayings, colors, shapes,  number chart counting, , seasons, songs. Morning Message   

M K.4 A,BLAK.1 J, K.4 C,D, F

D’Neal (o) sw recog, trace and write uppercase alphabet  color beg sound act. E-ck ltr form.

Lsn 128 (o) |u=e, e-e, ee , aa, pa, spelling sound sheet, review ws 128. E-ck work.


Literacy Groups

  1. Mc-
  2.  phonemic awareness
  3. Computers
  4. Independent Activity

Short and Long Uu Pocket Chart Review

Word Family _ut

Lunch 10:50-11:35 (Duty)

Addition (O) sw write  # sentence, add sets,, write answer. E- ck work.

Reading time with 3rd grade




7:45 P/up students from cafeteria, attendance, lunch count, pledges.

Bell:  sw write first  and last name  and reading skills act

Circle: Calendar, sayings, colors, shapes,  number chart counting, , seasons, songs. Morning Message   

M K.4 A,BLAK.1 J, K.4 C,D, F

Sentence Activity (O) sw  write 4-5 word sentences and illustrate. E-ck work and display.

Literacy Groups

  1. Rhyming
  2. phonemic awareness
  3. Computers
  4. Independent Activity

Short and Long Ee review

Lunch 10:50-11:35 (duty)

Patterning (O) sw recog, extend and complete pattern. E-ck work.

Reading time with 3rd grade

WEEKLY LESSON PLANS:  McDaniels                    Room:  110                                Week:  April 23-27, 2012

Rest time 11:45-12:15

Math Investigtions 1:00


Social Studies/Science

Reinforcement/Core Act

Unit 7 Lsn 2.1 Self –Portraits (O) sorting by characteristics, act,  follow up discuss. E-listen

Class Routine:  What’s missing”

 MKIA1a-f, IB1&2, VAC,IIB1, C1

PE 12:40-1:10 pm

Unit 6 TE PG 93-103  (O) story recall,  rhyming, read Flower Garden answer story recall, oral lang, vocab, comprehension, , Cht 33, tape , A Quilt, Quack Quack words families , number words. E-observe. E-listen.


Read Jack and the Beanstalk


 Earth Day (O) ecology, Read Our Earth Discuss Earth day and taking care of our earth. Discuss reduce, recycle reuse.  Work on Earth Day display. Glove and hand prints.

A1 Short A Puzzle

A2 Earth Day Handprint  (O) sw make handprint earth cut and finish sentence prompt. E-display.

Clean up tables, trash, put away boxes, staple papers, backpacks, line up for dismissal.

2:35 Line up, dismiss bus students, walk to front.


Lsn 2.2 Attribute Match Up (O) ID attributes of object, compare, act, ws, discuss, follow up. E-oberve

Lsn MKIA1a-f, IB1&2, VAC,IIB1, C1

Class Routine:  What comes here?


TE PG 104 (O) critical thinking |rhyming, read Growing Vegetable Soup answer critical thinking, daily phonics routine, oral lang, vocab, comprehension, Cht 33,  ABC Class Book   E-oserve. E-listen. LK5ABDEFLK, LK7all, LK8ABCDE

Read  Moose’s Tooth

Our Place on Earth (O) sw understand neighborhood city, state, country, continent, earth.

A1  Long OoActivities

A2.Lady bug and writing.

A3 Earth day Activities  Handprint and poster.

Clean up tables, trash, put away boxes, staple papers, backpacks, line up for dismissal.

2:35 Line up, dismiss bus students, walk to front.


Lsn  2.3 Boxes, Bottles and Cans (O) ID attributes, compare attributes, act, ws, discuss, follow up. E-observe

Class Routine:  Comparing Groups.

A1 Phonics Read #10 (O) sw sound out words  and read sentences/book as a class

Intro Insects (O) living things and life cycles. Read The Grouchy Ladybug and Insects discuss and compare insects, spiders.

A1 Long Ii activies

A2 Insect (O) sw cut and assemble insect and label parts. E-display.

Same Dismissal Procedure

Clean up tables, trash, put away boxes, staple papers, backpacks, line up for dismissal.

Early Release 1:40 pm

Restroom/drinks/Rest time

Lsn 2.4 Same and Different (O) compare objects that are same and differet. Ws, discuss, follow up. E-observe

Class Routine: Would you rather be a teacher or a doctor?

Word Family Houses (O) sw read and write word families. E-ck work.

A1 Phonics Read #9 (O) sw sound out words  and read sentences/book as a class

Review Insects

A1 Long Ee  and Uu activites

A2 Insect Activities


Clean up tables, trash, put away boxes, staple papers, backpacks, line up for dismissal.

2:35 Line up, dismiss bus students, b to front.

Restroom/Drinks/Rest time

 Lsn 2.5 Attribute Dominoes (O) same different, compare groups, act, ws, discuss, follow up. E-observe

Classrom Routine: mixed up calendar

PE 12:40

Library 1:10

Music   1:40

Phonics Reader #11

Dirt Cups to celebrate end of unit

Finish projects


Clean up tables, trash, put away boxes, staple papers, backpacks, line up for dismissal.

2:35 Line up, dismiss bus students, walk to front.

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