October Lesson Plans 2013



DATES: 10/2/13-10/31/13



Anticipatory Set:

  • Show student what skill they will be working on and check for prior knowledge.



  • Students will gain knowledge in all academic areas.



  • 8:30-9:00         Calendar/ DOL/RTI-Math Minutes

Discuss Emergency Codes/Procedures

Recognition of coins

5 Senses

Community Helpers

Safety Signs


Count: 2, 3, 5, 10, 100, skip count

Odd/Even numbers

ABC’s/ Vowels, consonants, number of letters

Phonics letter cards

 RTI-Phonics Activities

  • 9:00-10:00Reading

Look, Listen, & Speak (Keeping Healthy) Building Vocabulary Directed Teaching: Keeping Healthy Poster Page22-23

Look, Listen, & Speak (Keeping Healthy) Building Vocabulary Independent Practice: Electronic Poster. Pages 24-27

Look, Listen, & Speak (Keeping Healthy) Building Vocabulary Independent Practice: E-Activities Pages 28-29

Look, Listen, & Speak (Keeping Healthy) Applying Vocabulary: Electronic Games Pages 30-31

Look, Listen, & Speak (Keeping Healthy) Applying Vocabulary: Chants and Song Pages 32-35

Look, Listen, & Speak (Keeping Healthy) Applying Vocabulary: Storybook Pages 36-37

Look, Listen, & Speak (Keeping Healthy) Applying Vocabulary: Picture Card Games Pages 38-39

RTI- Language and Reading Centers

                              Edmark, Earobics, and Survival Signs

  • 10:00-10:15Music & Movement


  • 10:15-10:45AR/Take Test


  • 10:45-11:15 Basic Picture Math

Numbers (0-10): Write the number and number word

Counting (0-20): pages 16-37. Count and write the number

Ordering & Comparing: pgs. 27-38. Counting rote 1-20

What is a Nickel? Identifying Nickels, counting Nickels, buying with

Nickels, Buying with Pennies and Nickels, and Tallying with Nickels

Workbook pages 12-17

RTI- Math Centers- Small group tactile manipulative use.

  • 11:15- 11:45 SPELLING

LESSON 7: Introduction of new words, Worksheet pages 48-51. Rainbow writing with spelling words 5 times each, Flashcards (Around the World), File folder games, Hot Potato, Assessment

LESSON 8:  Introduction of new words, Worksheet pages 52-55. Rainbow writing with spelling words 5 times each, Flashcards (Around the World), File folder games, Hot Potato, Assessment

LESSON 9: Introduction of new words, Worksheet pages 56-59. Rainbow writing with spelling words 5 times each, Flashcards (Around the World), File folder games, Hot Potato, Assessment

LESSON 10: Introduction of new words, Worksheet pages 60-62. Rainbow writing with spelling words 5 times each, Flashcards (Around the World), File folder games, Hot Potato, Assessment

  • 11:45-12:15     WRITING

    Hear It! Draw It! Write It! Read It! Make It!

    Letter Practice:  Ee: Identify E and e. Hear the initial sound in a spoken word. Reinforce fine motor skills. Worksheet page 40

    Letter Practice: Ee: Follow multiple pictorial directions. Practice moving left to right. Identify the word elephant. Review the initial e sound. Worksheet page 41

    Letter Practice: Ee: Practice printing the capital E and lowercase e. Write from left to write. Worksheet page 42-43

    Letter Practice: Ee: Distinguish letters from words. Locate printed words on a page. Match print to speech. Move from top to bottom and left to right on a printed page. Worksheet page 44

    Letter Practice: Ee: Practice following directions. Use descriptive words to complete sentence. Worksheet page 45

     Writing and Learning: Name, Address, and Telephone Number

  • 12:15-12:45         LANGUAGE ARTS

Grammar & Punctuation

Rule 8: Proper Nouns: Days of the week begin with capitals Pages 31-34

Rule 9: Proper Nouns: Names of the months begin with capitals Pages 35-38

Rule 10: Proper Nouns: Names of holiday begin with capital Pages 11-14

Rule 11: Nouns: Some words name things Pages 43-46

RTI -Following Directions: Written, Step-by-Step, and Oral directions

  • 12:50-2:15         SOCIAL STUDIES: Geography

    Using a Map Key (map key) workbook pages 31-33

    Parts of a Map (Maria’s Neighborhood) workbook pages 34-37

    Picturing a Place (Joey’s Backyard) workbook pages 38-41

    Picturing the United States workbook pages 42-45

    Mini Unit: Columbus

                                        US FACTS & FUN

    Cow Catchers (cowboys) workbook pages 26-29

    Mighty Big Tree (redwood trees) workbook pages 30-33

    Sweet Trees (maple syrup) workbook pages 38-41

    A Turkey or an Eagle? (National bird) workbook pages 42-45


    Do fish drink water? (Water to survive) workbook pages 26-31.

    Unit Review: (Comprehension, Vocabulary, Visual Literacy, Hands-on activity) pages 32-35

    Where do animals sleep? (Habitats) pages 38-43

    Why do camels have humps? (Deserts) pages 44-49

    Mini Unit: Pumpkins (Plant Cycle)

  • Social Skills

    Understanding the Teacher’s Role:

    1.9   Arguing with Teacher: Pages 34-36

    1.10 Notes Have to Make it Home: Pages 37-38

    1.11 When the Teacher is Talking: Pages 39-40

    1.12 Teacher-Pleasing Behaviors: Pages 40-41

    ***PLC Wednesday*** Early Release 1:40


     Assessment will be determined through:

  • Participation
  • Based on individual goals and objectives
  • F.A.C.E.S. Curriculum


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