Lesson Plan: |
Grade: |
1st |
Name: |
Eighth Note |
Week & Year |
11/1-5/10 |
SP |
NM S&B |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
CD? Book? Prop? |
(Student will sing, play,improvise, read, write or create) |
(Prep Present Prac or Assess which concept or skill? |
Different classes |
Entry Song &Vocal Greeting |
(containing melodic or rhythmic elements being studied or soon will be) |
A |
Hello Song |
Sing Sing…Say Say |
Students sing this song with the teacher. Teacher asks if students remember the different ways to say hello and add them in. |
Vocal Exploration |
1A 6A |
F |
Engine Engine #9 |
Core Notebook |
Students do this song to review from earlier lessons. |
Review voice choice, tempo, and dynamics |
5B |
Warm-up & Song Bouquet |
(Known song(s) setting up this lesson or upcoming concepts |
Rhythm Cards |
Rhythm cards 9-20 without rests |
Students chant the rhythms on these cards. |
Review beat vs. rhythm |
1D |
Familiar Song |
(Calling attention to previous lesson |
Rain, Rain |
TE p. 52 |
CD 2-27 |
Students sing this song. |
Practice beat vs. rhythms |
1ACD |
High Concentration |
Derive something or heavy practice |
Eighth Note |
Students review the quarter note and then discuss the eighth note. |
Present eighth note |
1D |
Brass Instruments |
Students discuss the brass instruments and listen to samples of them from the listening bank. |
Core Knowledge |
5B 7A |
Related/relaxed |
(game, movement, or listening) |
Canadian Brass |
Students listen to a Canadian Brass selection. |
Core Knowledge |
2A |
Moderate concentration |
(New song or practice new skill or assess familiar |
Take Me Out to the Ballgame |
Core Notebook |
Students learn this song and sing it together. |
Core Knowledge |
1A 4A 6A 8C |
Closing Activity |
(Listening or active,but POSITIVE! |
Review |
Students chant the rhythm cards again with the quarter and eighth notes. |
1D |
Next week: |