Attendance Policy

Attendance fosters an attitude of responsibility and is
essential to the instructional program. State law requires
students to attend school one hundred eighty (180) day
per year.
Parents will be expected to notify the school office if
their child will not be in school. Parents are to notify the
classroom teacher of any absence. “A student’s absence
should be for extenuating circumstances for the absence to
be excused. 

Excused Absences
1. Illness: documentation may be required
2. Family Emergency: up to three (3) days.
3. Court appearance for the child: documentation
4. Doctor’s Appointment: documentation required.
5. School Sponsored Activities.
***All students will have the opportunity to make up work for any excused absences.

Students should arrive at school by 7:4 a.m. The
ardy bell rings at 7:50 a.m. When tardies develop, parents
and students need to sign in at the office.  Keep the following
information in
A student is considered tardy when arrival time is before student's lunch hour
A student is considered absent when arrival time is after student's lunch hours.
A student is considered absent if departure time is before student's lunch hour.
A student is considered tardy if deparute time is after student's lunch hour or leaving before end of school.

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