Language Art\Science

Monday: TSW write a journal entry of a classified ad for a job. 
               TSW: review the past tense, the future tense, and the four principal parts of verbs.  Page 184 of text book (1-6) and a worksheet page 30 (1-8).
                TSW: listen to teacher read aloud.

Tuesday: TSW: write a a journal entry underlining the verbs and irregular verbs of  
                           famous Space quotes.
                TSW: identify regular and irregular verbs. Page 194 - 195 (6-20).
                TSW: listen to teacher read aloud.

Wednesday: TSW: write a journal entry about 10 facts they can find on wildlife an wild
                      TSW: identify the past and part-participle forms of irregular verbs.
                       TSW: listen to teacher read aloud.

Thursday: TSW: using the facts about wildlife and wild animales, the students will write a
                            descriptive and persuasive sentences using irregular verbs.
                   TSW: practice more irregular and regular verbs with a worksheet from page 
                    TSW:  listen to teacher read aloud.

Friday: TSW: use their descriptive and persuasive writing assignment to create a brochure
                        of a wildlife place that has wild animales for people to go visit.
             TSW: play, use and learn prefixes, suffixes and computer terms.
             TSW: listen to teacher read aloud.


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