WEEKLY LESSON PLANS: McDaniels Room: 110 Week: April 2-6, 2012
Rest time 11:45-12:15
Math Investigtions 1:00
Social Studies/Science
Reinforcement/Core Act
Lsn. 3.4 Build and Remove (O) subtration 1,2,3 from a set, counting sets to 20, act, ws, act, follow up. E-observe.
Class Routine: Counting Forward and Backwards PE 12:40-1:10 pm
. MKIA1a-f, IB1&2, VAC,IIB1, C1
Unit 6 TE PG 93-103 (O) story recall, rhyming, read Flower Garden answer story recall, oral lang, vocab, comprehension, , Cht 33, tape , A Quilt, Quack Quack words families , number words. E-observe. E-listen.
Read Jack and the Beanstalk
Intro Plant Unit (O) plants, living things, TE PG 225-231, K-W-L chart, read big book , read Planting a Seed, discuss plant needs, parts, complete L chart. E-listen. SK6ALL
A1 April Showers Handprint (O) sw make flower using handprint. E-display
A2 Ock Work Wheel (O) sw color clock cut assemble. E-use to read
A3 April Showers Mobile
Clean up tables, trash, put away boxes, staple papers, backpacks, line up for dismissal.
2:35 Line up, dismiss bus students, walk to front.
Lsn 3.5 How Many Balls (O) add, subtraction, illustrating answers, act, ws, discuss, foow up. E-observe.
Lsn MKIA1a-f, IB1&2, VAC,IIB1, C1
Class Routine: Would you rather be a tiger or dolphin?
TE PG 104 (O) critical thinking |rhyming, read Flower Garden answer critical thinking, daily phonics routine, oral lang, vocab, comprehension, Cht 33, ABC Class Book E-oserve. E-listen. LK5ABDEFLK, LK7all, LK8ABCDE
Read T
Plants TE PG 261-281 (O) uses of plants, sw cut uses for plants from magazines, glue, Read Plants and Seeds discuss how seeds travel, grow and plant parts. E-observe
A1 Bunny Hops (O) Positional terms book. E-ck work.
A2 Peter Rabbit Story Seq (O) sw color story cards glue in order. E-use to retell
A3 Seeds (O) sw color and label seed growth. E-display
Clean up tables, trash, put away boxes, staple papers, backpacks, line up for dismissal.
2:35 Line up, dismiss bus students, walk to front.
Lsn 3.6 How Do you Show the one that is gone? (O) add, subtraction story problems, illustrating solution. Act, ws, discuss, follow up. E-observe.
Class Routine: What’s missing?
A1 Phonics Read #8(O) sw sound out words and read sentences/book as a class
Plant Parts (O)Plant parts, Read Planting a Rainbow, sw assemble plant, color and label. D-display in hall
A1 Old Woman Shoe (O) beginning blends, sw color cut lace shoe.E-ck work.
A2 Plant Parts (O) sw label plants parts.
A3 Peter Rabbits Rhyming Book (O) sw color cut assemble rhyming book E-take home
Same Dismissal Procedure
Clean up tables, trash, put away boxes, staple papers, backpacks, line up for dismissal.
Early Release 1:40 pm
Restroom/Drinks/Rest time
Lsn 3.7 How Many Blocks? Adding, subtration, illustrate solutions. Act, ws, discuss, follow up. E-obsere
Class Routine: What comes Here?
April Showers Writing (O) CK, sw copy and write saying “April Showers Brings May Flowers and illustrate. E-display.
Plants and Seeds (O) plant needs, seed, uses. Read From Seed to Plant, dsicuss how seeds grow, needs, and parts of the plant.
A1 Plant seeds in cup (O) place in window. E-watch grow.
A3 Jack and the Beanstalk Story sequencing. E-ck work
A2 Jack Bean stalk Climber. (o) sw color cut and assmble. E-display.
Clean up tables, trash, put away boxes, staple papers, backpacks, line up for dismissal.
2:35 Line up, dismiss bus students, walk to front.
Holiday No school
PE 12:40
Library 1:10
Music 1:40
Holiday No School
Holiday No school
Clean up tables, trash, put away boxes, staple papers, backpacks, line up for dismissal.
2:35 Line up, dismiss bus students, walk to front.